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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
my failed attempt at a daily photoblog:
366 days of 2012

my new attempt at photoblogging:
instagram feed

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Just bloody did it!

I've learnt a lot from my Sport Relief run today. Number one, don't do too much prior to the big race. I think doing nearly 10k in the 48 hours running up (no pun intended) to today was probably a bad idea. I finished today in 27:24, which is very good for a 5k run, but boy were my legs feeling it. Compared to other runs during my training, I could feel my legs were heavy after just half a mile today. I'm pretty sure that's because I ran too far on Friday and Saturday. I was hoping to give a big push in the last half mile, but my legs were just too tired, and it was a bit of a huff and puff over the line. Still, I think I've now caught the exercise bug. I've found running and cycling very therapeutic and a good way to clear my mind, and it actually fills you with energy for the rest of the day.

One other thing really affected me today. It was the sight of a soldier, on two crutches, slowly walking his way around the course. The last half mile today was a lap so those doing 3 or 6 mile runs could keep going, and as I was walking back after my finish, I saw this guy, dressed in his uniform, turning this corner to continue his walk. He saluted everybody as he walked past. I couldn't help but feel humbled as I watched him continue his walk on crutches.

And I'm still aiming to get to £500 this week, so spread the word if anyone hasn't sponsored yet.

All in all a great day, even if I do feel shattered tonight. I'll have a few days off, then get back on the bike on thursday. 10k run next?

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Hundreds and thousands and millions...

The following is an extract from America Unchained by Dave Gorman. For some reason it struck a chord within me, and i felt like sharing it:

"I did. It was amazing. There were more stars than there was sky and the way the mountain dropped away to nothing made it feel like we were looking down on some of them. We were floating. We were in outer space. I've never felt smaller. I've never felt more alive. I've never felt more stupid for caring about a hubcap. There are other things in this world. Millions and millions and millions and millions of them."

Tenenbaum time...

I have delved deep into the farthest corners of my retro wardrobe, and found this Tenenbaum-esque trackie top. It shall most definitely be worn on March 21st.

Only £74.99 to go to reach the £300 mark...

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Have you seen this woman?

Recently spotted in the Shoreditch area donating 1penny to the cause. She must be found.

Sunday, 7 March 2010


Sunday morning 07/03/10

Thanks to generosity of so many of you, I have once again amended the goal I set. Having now surpassed £100 and £200 the new goal is now at a whopping £300. Yes, £300. Or to make it look more impressive THREE HUNDRED POUNDS! All the money goes to good causes both in this country and abroad, so please do keep it coming!

Saturday, 6 March 2010

I Should GoGo...

06/03/10 - my feet and shoes and some mud from Gladstone park. and yes, odd socks.

Today's jog was sponsored by the Supergrass album I Should Coco. And a very good album it was to jog along too in the march sunshine. Sunshine. A rarity this calendar year, but it's good to see some. Still a bit nippy outside, but nothing a short run can't warm up.

So, i am very pleased and proud to say 10 of my friends and family have so far raised £110 in aid of Sport Relief, and i thank you all. As i set my goal at £100 i have received glowing auto-messages from Sport Relief congratulating me on reaching my goal. So my next aim is to DOUBLE my original goal, so let's try and raise another £90 to reach the £200 mark.