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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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Saturday, 7 June 2008

There's nowt queer as folk (part 1)

(originally posted December 1st 2007)

On a quiet winters night, in the small northern town of Harrogate, me and my friends were asked to leave a well known chain of drinking establishments 'because we've had complaints that you're playing Scrabble' (so said the bouncer). We couldn't deny it, the evidence was there for all to see. A scrabble board. Small tiles with letters ranging from A-Z. And various words criss-crossing across the board. We laughed. It must be a wind up.

'no, we've had complaints, i'll have to ask you to stop' he said.

We laughed again. Surely he must be joking. It was just a simple game of scrabble. Alas, he was serious, and we were told to finish our game and move on. However, before we had a chance, a passer by decided to 'accidently' fall into me and the table, sending the board and pieces flying everywhere.

I told the bouncer this. He told me we shouldn't have been playing scrabble. I told him it was only a game of scrabble. He told me we shouldn't have been playing scrabble. I told him there was no law against it. He told me we shouldn't have been playing scrabble. I told him to 'sort it out'. He throw me out and barred me from said establishment.

As for the journey home on the M1, that's another story...

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