In a shocking development, i joined Twitter this week. I didn't want to, but felt i was missing out on a huge amount of irrelevant information. I'm not sure my life will be any better for it, but there's no going back now. And the internet being the wonder that it is, my twittering / tweeting / twattery is now imbedded into this very blog, so, just to the right hand side of this post you shall find my twittering / tweeting / twattery.
In other news, i shall now be leaving more visual examples of the world around me, using the fantastic Flip Video my dad bought me last year. Starting with my first attempt at video cutting / editing / destroying using the oh-so-simple Windows Movie Maker, i have created a short film of my day at the historic BBC Maida Vale studio last monday (recording a live Hatcham Social session for Radio 1). I've even used one of our tracks over the top. Clever me. Here it is in all its tiny glory...
I shall now be starting on a similar video of my recent trip to Berlin, and showing off dramatically next week when my updates will be coming from, yes, Austin, Texas. America thought they had it good voting Obama into power, well now Hatcham Social are hitting their shores. Or Deserts. Hell, even this guy sounds excited...
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