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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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Sunday, 14 November 2010

It's a big small world...

Things have slowed down a bit after a whirlwind 2 weeks starting in Chicago and ending in Pittsburgh. Since Friday I've been sleeping on a blow up mattress on Drew's floor and just hanging out. On Friday night we went to a party just round the corner from his, yesterday we went and played Frisbygolf at a local park and last night we went to a couple of bars to shoot some pool and meet a friend of mine Dennis. "A friend of yours?" I hear you ask. How is that possible if I've never been to Pittsburgh before? This got me thinking of the crazy links and coincidences that have chained the last few weeks together, summed up by Drew's housemate Andy this morning, when he said "It's a big small world out there". So, here goes:

Patsy: I worked with her in London, she happened to be visiting home in Chicago and said I should go visit her. I did.
Tara: I met Tara at a CS party in Chicago. She was from Minneapolis and meeting a friend of hers in Chicago.
Dennis: Tara and Dennis first met when they were both studying in London, they chose to meet in Chicago as it was halfway between his hometown of Pittsburgh and hers of Minneapolis.
Lexi: I met Lexi as she was Tara's housemate, and I travelled with Tara from Chicago to Minneapolis.
Drew: He was filming a documentary in Minneapolis and couchsurfed at Tara and Lexi's whilst I was there. He was with two other people, his friend Alyssa who had also brought along her friend Mandy. I joined them as they went on a 5 day road trip.

And that is how I got to Pittsburgh. And then got back in touch with Dennis, who I had met in Minneapolis, where he was meeting the friend he met in London. Oh, and Dennis lived in Ealing. And regularly got on the 226 bus. Which passes my house.

It's a big small world.

Chevrolet Chevelle parked outside Drew's house

The greatest sofa ever? In a bookstore in the Southside district of Pittsburgh

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