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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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Tuesday, 16 November 2010

People watching...

For some reason, I am wide awake on this megabus to Philadelphia, compared to my equally early start in Chicago a few weeks ago when I pretty much slept. It's not very full, only a dozen or so people on this single decker, but even those few bring an array of different people, and the perfect opportunity to people watch. Already I have briefly spoken to guy in front of my, an American kid about to fly to Europe. Then there's the small gaggle of loud little Chinese women who got on the bus. One of whom is coughing like her life depends it. Right behind me now. Shut up already! (That was just an excuse to use the American phrase 'already')

Though there are many ups and downs to travelling, one of the biggest buzzes I get is when I leave each location and head to a new one. It reminds of the open road ahead, and the fact I can go whichever way I choose, and gives me a boost when I may otherwise be feeling physically and mentally tired. Anyway, we're on the move now, and I can't really type when on the road. And shouldn't I be asleep, it's 6:30am already?

Speak soon, big world.

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