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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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366 days of 2012

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Sunday, 12 December 2010

Extra time...

We ended up staying in Montgomery an extra day. Despite Tony leaving to go to Baltimore for a few days, he insisted he was happy for us to stay and provided us with a key to the apartment. Drew and I thought this too good to turn down, so we enjoyed an extra day on Monday relaxing in the apartment and taking more time to see the Capital Building, Civil Rights Memorial and Rosa Parks Museum. Lunch was an EPIC hotdog in the very old school Chris' Hotdogs, established in, and seemingly unchanged since, 1916. Monday evening we cooked up enough pasta to feed an army so we could take the remainder with us for our trip to New Orleans.

Alabama State Capitol, Montgomery.

EPIC hotdog.

Tuesday morning we still didn't have a place to stay in New Orleans, so knew perhaps we'd have to get a cheap motel, or possibly just go out into the evening, have a few drinks, and probably find somewhere somehow. We were also debating whether to stay another day in Montgomery and take advantage of Tony's amazing apartment. I posted a message on the NOLA page of couchsurf and soon had a response from Ashley saying we could stay at her place if we still didn't have anywhere. We took this as our queue to leave. We rang Ashley and began our journey to the Big Easy. We arrived not too late and found the house, in the middle of uptown. We consumed our Montgomery made pasta, and went for a couple of drinks at a local neighbourhood bar. Ashley seemed to know everyone, and Drew and I played some pool against the locals. At 1am we returned to the house to position our floor mats and sleeping bags, met Ashley's other housemate, called Ashley, and caught some shuteye. Thus began the grip that is New Orleans, Louisiana. A grip that would take hold for the next few nights...

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