December 29th 2010 / December 30th 2010
I've known my longest standing friends for 10 years now. I met them when I was at University in Manchester, and even though I don't see them all that often now as we all live in different parts of the UK, I still feel a very close bond with them all. Prior to University, I haven't kept in touch with anyone, other than the customary 'facebook friendship'. So when I describe my dad's friendship with Alan as long standing, it really is long standing. They've known each other since they were 10 years old. They both attended the same school when growing up in Manchester, and despite Alan ultimately moving to America where he has lived ever since, they have stayed in touch throughout. It was Alan that I was going to visit when I was in San Francisco. I had arranged to visit Nicola (his daughter) and her family, along with Alan and his wife Carol. But with the opportunity to visit them in Scottsdale, I would also get to meet Lisa (their other daughter) and her family. The last time I saw any of them was about 15 years ago, so it was a long time coming. But here's the interesting thing. I've heard an awful lot about Alan as my dad has told many stories about and involving him. I also have very early memories of Nicola, as she stayed with us in London when me and my brother were young children and used to read us stories before bed. So, despite the number of years since I've seen them, and the fact I was much younger, when I walked into the house, it really felt like I was walking into a room full of family. It's hard to put into words the science of it, but I felt a particular connection with Alan because of his close connection with my dad, and in turn a close connection to his wife Carol, and Nicola and Lisa, and in turn their families. Whilst Alan is now much frailer than I remembered him due to the onset of Parkinson's, he is still very much the person I remembered from many years ago, a very gentle and kind man, with a passion and interest that very much resembles my dad. It is no surprise they have kept in touch all these years. In fact it wasn't until Alan told me the story that I realised it was actually my dad, who was working and living in America at the time, who had invited Alan and Carol to visit him in America. They did. Dad eventually moved back to London, but Alan and Carol never left the States, living here and starting a family.

The evening I arrived (you know, just after that snow storm, did I mention that?) I met Alan and Carol, Lisa, her husband Brooke and son Josh. Nicola was busy that evening but I met her the following morning, along with her husband Paul and children Camille & Ryan. The Wednesday evening I shared a couple of beers with Alan and spoke in length about my trip, and he retold stories involving him and my dad. Lisa cooked dinner, and after a pleasant dinner, we all retired for the evening. Next morning, using Oovoo on Josh's computer, I video called home for the first time since I'd been away, and it was both great and strange to see and hear from my parents, but it was particularly special to be alongside Alan whilst talking to dad. Later that morning Nicola arrived with her family (they were staying very near by in a villa/apartment they had rented for the week), and it was great to be with the entire family together. That afternoon I joined Nicola, Paul, Camille & Ryan on a short hike out in a National Park not too far away. Yet even that was a peculiar experience. There we were, out in the middle of the desert, surrounded by cacti and such like, when the heavens opened. But not rain. It was a strange mix of hail and snow. I never thought I'd see the day when I was stood in a desert and it snowed on me. Even here, many miles south and lower than Flagstaff, I was still feeling the effects of the cold front crossing Arizona (and many other States). It didn't last long and it was pretty spectacular standing side by side with the Saguaro, some of the biggest cacti you will ever see, and specific to Arizona and only a few other places in the world (they have hug arms, and look like they're pointing up to the sky).
The rarely seen 'snowflake on cactus'
That evening they had planned to eat at a local Greek restaurant, and I was very pleased to join them. I sat with Alan throughout the meal and had a wonderful evening. I was so pleased that I had made the journey down from Flagstaff, especially knowing that had I left any later on the Wednesday, they would have closed the highway, and I wouldn't have made it down at all. Sometimes luck really is on your side.
Alan and I...
The extended family...
Alan, Carol, Nicola and family were all leaving on Friday to return to the Bay area, and that's when the next bit of luck arrived. Whilst they were leaving on the Friday, Nicola had their apartment booked up until the Sunday, and they were more than happy for me to stay there for the 2 nights it would be otherwise empty. Friday was New Years Eve. I had planned to drive back to Flagstaff to bring in the new year, but the weather would put a stop to that (it was still snowing and temperatures were reaching as low as -25, CELSIUS!). I felt perhaps I should really get back in touch with some of the people I had met in Tempe just a week earlier, but there was a little something inside my head telling me to just relax. Why not go against the grain. Instead of doing what I've done on so many previous years (go out get drunk get home get up get painkillers), why didn't I just relax. Having spent almost 3 months on the road travelling the States, perhaps New Years Eve this year could be about taking it all in. Thinking back to all the people I had met along the way. All the experiences I've had. All the friends I've made. All my friends back home. My family in London. The distant relatives I'd met in the States. The drives I'd done. The food I'd eaten. There was so much to take in and digest. Oh, and also, they had a hot tub.
Deal done.
Hot tub it was.
December 31st 2010 / January 1st 2011
1 comment:
Very, very jealous.
Would love to have been there. Know what you mean, I feel like i know them better than I do too.
Happy New Year dude.
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