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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
my failed attempt at a daily photoblog:
366 days of 2012

my new attempt at photoblogging:
instagram feed

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Bula Bula Fiji time...

So here I am, sat in Sydney airport, waiting for my connecting flight to take me to Perth, and complete quite a week. I arrived in Fiji last Sunday and immediately went to the small village of Viseisei where I was due to stay with a couchsurfing family for a couple of nights in their village. The first evening it absolutely poured down with rain but we sat inside drinking Kava (a traditional Fijian drink made from the roots of, er, some plant!), and there were also two German couchsurfers there. When I found out they were staying for the same number of days as me, and Fi (the couchsurf host) had helped book them on a little trip to the islands, I decided to join them. So off we went next morning, and spent the following 2 nights on the island of Kuata, and then another 2 nights after that on the island of Nanuya Lailai. Not much really needs to be said other than in Fiji there are no clocks or watches, just Fiji time. What time is it? It's Fiji time. I spent 4 days sleeping, eating, reading, sitting in a hammock, doing a bit of snorkelling, riding boats, swam in a cave, and generally saw more sunshine (and also quite a bit if rain!) than I've probably seen before. Today I am a mixture or red and nicely tanned. Last night we returned to Viseisei to the news of the huge earthquake in Japan, and subsequently the Tsunami warning that went out across the whole of the Pacific. I was pretty freaked out by it, and whilst the locals seemed unworried (as Fiji has never suffered from a Tsunami before, despite one or two warnings every year) I was still unable to sleep all night as the 3am predicted tsunami approached. By 4:30am no waves had swept me away, and I managed a small amount of sleep before I got ready at 6am to leave for the airport and my long day ahead travelling to Sydney and then Perth. Here I am, halfway there, only another hour and then I can board my plane to Perth. What time is it? It's always Fiji time...

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