One thing I didn't blog about whilst I was away was the untimely / frustrating / depressing / complicated end to my reign as bassist in Hatcham Social. I actually wrote about 6 or so blogs about it, but every time I went to click on 'Publish Post' I held back, realising that I didn't want to air my dirty laundry for all the world to see, plus I was aware that it would be a biased point of view (my own!), that may not 100% represent the situation. So everything I wrote about it was subsequently deleted. Having left England almost detesting music and everything that goes with the music industry, I pretty much decided I would avoid the music industry when I returned, and return to just enjoying music for what it is in the confines of my bedroom, and not in a rehearsal room or a van travelling hours to a far off venue.
And so fate decided that within my first week back an amazing opportunity would rear its head. Long story short, a band that had recently relocated to London would be needing a bassist for about 6 weeks whilst their regular bass player dealt with the birth of his first child, and would involve touring Europe, the USA and Australia. I met the band and their management, was sent their album and live tracks, a load of bass tabs, I rehearsed with the bassist and on Thursday went for a full band rehearsal where we successfully went through a number of songs. However, I wasn't going to celebrate the job until I had a contract and saw some flights and working visas in my name.
And that's when fate dealt a completely different hand. On Friday I received a message from their manager stating that completely out of the blue a friend of the band from back home in Australia would actually be in London and able to cover the dates from June to August, and as he already knew their songs, he would be taking the job. I completely understand the decision as it makes complete sense for the band, but after working so hard for 2 weeks learning their songs, it came as a bit of a blow.
So on Monday I start the search again for employment. And I've put my bass amp back in the garage. Let's see what cards are dealt next...

such a shame to see such a prominent bass sound, and a HUGE part of the HS sound removed. I honestly think it's their loss.
very kind of you to say, Anonymous person.
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