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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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366 days of 2012

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Sunday, 28 November 2010

Did I tell you the one about the snorer, cougher, argumenter and argue-backer?

Friday night I had a classic hostel experience. Returning to the hostel at 10:30pm I went up to the room (606, bed 5) but the lights were out and a number of people were asleep, so I returned to the lounge area downstairs. A dozen or so people were down there but they all had the white of their laptop screens reflecting in their faces, and didn't bat an eyelid. So I sat down. Looked around. And decided I'd join them. Laptop out, I surfed and blogged. The girl sat next to me and left, and then I noticed she'd left her hat on the floor, so I handed it in to the reception. At midnight, I decided I should get some sleep. I sneaked into the room, disrobed, and got into bed. Then the snorer from hell started, well, snoring. And when I say snoring, I mean SNORING.
Or should I say S N O R I N G. Or even S N O R I N G G G G G.

I put my earplugs in.

Then some dude pipes up, "god, I wish that guy would shut up". Then another guy "man, it's a hostel, what d'you expect". Then "hey, you shut up, I gotta get up early I need to sleep". Then "yeah, but it's a hostel, it's what happens". Then "look, you want me to come down there and shut you up, then you shut up". A few more unpleasantries between the two, as I just lay there trying to sleep. Then they shut up. The snorer keeps going, oblivious. Then the guy above me coughs like his insides are violently trying to evacuate his insides. I lay there, trying to sleep. I've no idea how much sleep I got. Next morning when I arise, somewhat groggy, there's no sign of snorer, cougher, argumenter or argue-backer guy. I check out and head towards Park Street, and the Couch Surf Saviours, Lauren, Autumn and Rachel, where a much better environment awaits...

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