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My name is Dave. I have things to say. I know not where I am going, only where I have been. When I get there, I'll be sure to let you know. If we meet along the way, let's do something.
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366 days of 2012

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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

A cacophony of information...

Here's the deal. A few weeks back I had said I would at some point be going to New Orleans. Drew raised an eyebrow. An idea was hatched. We discussed the possibility, that perhaps, maybe, depending on certain factors, if the wind blew in the right direction, and the moon and sun were aligned correctly, and mother nature showed a sign, and if he had the funds, that perhaps he might be interested in going to New Orleans, and maybe we could join forces.

We joined forces. We arranged to meet up again in DC. He went home to visit his family for a while, and then drove to DC on Saturday. We both then made our way to our hosts Lauren, Autumn and Rachel (and Carrot, the cat). It was Lauren who had accepted the couch request but all three had profiles, and although Lauren was quite busy all weekend they were effectively a joint force. A saviour from the snorer, cougher argumenter argue-backer debacle the previous night. They were fantastic. Another example of genuine kind hosts. Although only there for two nights, and seeing the monuments and museums for much of the time, what time we spent with them was a great combination of conversation, jokes and deciding whether it was a crepe or a pancake (either way it tasted great).

Monday morning, it was time to move on. Having spent three days in DC, I can conclude that it is a cacophony of information and history. In a good way. You come away slightly dazed by it all. By the size of the buildings. By the history behind it. By the sheer information on offer. I visited the Museum of Art & Space, the Natural History Museum, the Museum of American History, The Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Korean War Memorial, The Vietnam War Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial & The White House. And I only touched the surface.

Time to hit the road. Only we didn't have anywhere to stay Monday night. But there was a coffee shop nearby, and we both had laptops. One cream cheese bagel and a green tea later, our work was done. We hit the road...

The US Capitol Building

The Washington Monument

(a small part of the) National World War II Memorial

Korean War Veterans Memorial

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